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hey john. . . what’s your superpower?

hey john. . .what’s your superpower?

Major Gift Training

When I was asked that question a few years ago, my first reaction was that I DO NOT  have superpowers. I was just a busy Executive Director of a hospital foundation.

Then the qualifier: What are you the best at? What’s your expertise? Oh ok, I can answer that.  I was clearly an expert at the major gift training and process.

Now the indictment: How much time do you spend working with that “superpower” versus other tasks in your day?

WOW! Guilty as charged.  My sad answer was less than 25%.  Time to rethink my work day. . .and I did.  By focusing on major gift training and processes I increased revenue to easily afford staff to carry out the mission of our foundation.

If you are not spending at least 70% of your energy around your “superpower”, you may need to re-evaluate as well.

Whether you are a professional fundraiser or a board member, you will be happier and more productive if you increase your attention to your “superpower”, and delegate the other tasks to people who are good at and enjoy those responsibilities.

Now is a good time to reflect and develop a plan to increase your time with your expertise. It will surprise you….and those you work with regularly.

What is YOUR superpower?



Written by: John J. Corcoran

President & CEO

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